The Sun-therapy (Suryapana)
Learn SUN-MOON YOGA and PRANAYAMA - A unique holistic preventive Health-care system (based on the great ancient Saint Shri YAGNAVALKYA MAHARSHl's Surya Kavacha Stotra)
Why the direct Sun-energy is needed today for individual Health hazard issues balancing?
1. Adulterated, mal-nutrition, hybrid junk food, fast-food and roadside food contribute a lot
for various health hazard issues which are of course a well known fact.
2. We are all spending most of our time day in and day out in one or the other mode of
cushion, which is pulling down the energy level i.e., usage of Sofa, Kurlon etc. type of
bedding and on all mode of transport, which might lead gradually over a period of time to
lethargic and obesity. So, it is better to avoid high end cushions always.
3. We notice today that even young children wearing glasses in large number, may be for
various reasons, including working on multiple electronic devices and viewing digital screens
4. Wide usage of plastic of different types for various purposes particularly for consumption
of food, drinking water and sitting on plastic chairs continuously for long hours.
5. Non-stop usage of A/C for long hours could lead to various health imbalancing factors,
particularly on breathing, and thus it may lead to disturbances in the normal functioning of
In my view, the quick answer to set right the various deficiencies on account of the above
mentioned ill practices, to an extent possible, is by invoking and adopting regular and
systematic consumption of Cosmic energy i.e.,
1. Sunrays - through mouth, nose, eyes and ears and skin (Sun-bath/Suryapana)
2. Moonrays - through eyes and mouth
3. Wind-power - by practicing regular and systematic Pranayama which are all available in
plenty and at free of cost.
4. Simple mud-therapy
Health related benefits (both Physical and Mental health along with spiritual growth)
1.This maintains equilibrium among Kapha,Vata and Pitta, when the Sunrays are fed to the Human body systematically through all the openings particularly through Nose and Mouth. (because of its so naturaland divine heat instinct)
2.The Sun energy along with Oxygen (the Cosmic-rays) travels throughout body and mind and regulates smooth flow of blood allover.
3.As such any disturbances orailments for example like Strokes,tumors,joints,stones formation and even Kidney related issues are prevented because of regular smooth flow of blood and oxygen.
4.It works on digestive track, as such along with already existing Jataragni (digestive fire) additional Sun-fire also works on digestive system and thus helps in smooth cleaning and clearing of stomach every day and keeps the practitioner so relaxed and comfortable.
5. The Sun energy passing all over body and mind,the heat element contained there in,provokes all inactive cells also and thus they become more and more active and therefore Keeps the practitioner always active and bright irrespective of age.
6.As these are divine in nature and cosmic powered,it helps in divine thought and spirit as it is said in Gayathri maha mantra Dhiyoyonahprachodayath
7.Regular practice on Sun-yoga,removes laziness and negatives and puts in all positive things, approach andideas.It keeps the body always warm and mindcool.
8.It improves level of concentration and memory power.
9.It keeps the practitioner always fit. Energetic and enthusiastic.
10.As the intake of Sulight through its Rays to the body and mind,as discussed above,provides rich Vitam1n-D, which takes care of almost everything,including prevention of Diabetes and also to keep it well under control in case it is existed.
Sky/Moon therapy:
Just 10 minutes exposure to Sky and Moon anytime after 8.00 p.m. and before going to bed
To concentrate on Moon (whenever available) or on Sky with opened Eyes Preferably without blinking -
Releases day-to-day stress by providing a quality sleep.
CALL 9901433772 for more details :